
65 scholarships awarded to students for whom financial resources were...
Based on the Agreement on Cooperation with the Bejtuzzekat of Kuwait and the Decision of the Management Board of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' for the academic year 2024/25, 65 scholarships were awarded to students of the first and second cycles of stud...

Competition for scholarships award in the school / academic year 2024/...
Based on the Regulations, the Agreement on cooperation with Beituzzekat from Kuwait and the Decision of the Management Board, Fund Bošnjaci is announcing a competition for awarding 65 scholarships to students in the first and seco...

Signed Scholarship Agreements for acc/school year 2024/25
In the hall of the Student Center of the Islamic Community in Sarajevo on December 14, 2024, in the presence of friends, scholarship holders and the media, the signing of the Agreement on Scholarships for pupils and students for acc/school year 20...

Final results of the scholarship competition for the school/academic y...
On the basis of the Rulebook on awarding scholarships and the Decision of the Management Board of Fund "Bošniaci", it has been published the Competition for awarding scholarships for acc/school year 2024/25.

Fund ''Bošnjaci'' is also this year with the pupils of the returnee po...
In cooperation with the chief imams of Čapljina and Ljubuški MIC and primary schools, the ''Bošnjaci“ Fund collected data on the number of pupils o...

Competition for the best literary work
Based on the Work Plan Fund ''Bošnjaci'' is announcing a competition for the best literary work on the topic: ''Dok je podizao prvu kuću na...

Competitions for scholarships award in the school/ academic year 2024/...
Based on the Rules and Decision of the Main Board, Fund “Bošnjaci” announces Competition for the award of 60 scholarships, of whic...

At the graduation ceremony, the students of the PGB generation were pr...
A graduation ceremony was held on the occasion of sending off the 26th generation of graduates of the First Bosniak High School and the 17th genera...

Fund ''Bošnjaci'' provided cash prizes and awards to the winners of th...
Organized by the Administration for Religious Affairs of Rijaset IZ in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the 26th final competition of school students was he...

Prizes and awards were presented to the winners of the 11th national c...
The 11th national competition for primary and secondary school students in Islamic religious education was held in Madrasa "Osman ef. Redžović'' in...

Awarded monetary prizes and awards to the GHB Madrasa pupils od the ge...
A Ceremonial Academy was held on the occasion of the end of schooling of the 474th male generation of high school graduates and the 42nd female gen...

Fund ''Bošnjaci'' organized the Student Conference on Alija Izetbegovi...
Fund ''Bošnjaci'', in cooperation with the "Alija Izetbegović" Museum, the "Alija Izetbegović" Foundation and the "Young Muslims" Association, orga...