Letters and other scholarship recipients

As-salamu alaykum,
Believe me, my satisfaction is greater because I have the opportunity to support your work, which you have been doing sincerely for years.
I am grateful to Allah that I have come from a status when that scholarship meant a lot to me, to a status where allocating this amount of money does not represent a financial burden for me.
I am especially grateful to your foundation, because you were not only a financial incentive, but also a light in the darkness that something can be done in this country without "support" and "acquaintance".
Then someone, may God reward him, honestly assessed my grades, which were my pride, and my condition at the time, and gave me support during that financially difficult period. The war did its job, my parents tried hard... You gave me the motivation every year that someone will evaluate my knowledge and that it will pay off and that I should persevere. Being a student is a heavy burden, struggling with uncertainty, and then you need a lot of faith.
Today, thanks to Allah, I am provided with housing and my two children have everything they need, and that I have a happy husband and family, and that in addition to all that, I can allocate a part of the money for the work of your fund from my personally earned funds, from my knowledge. And I really do it from the bottom of my heart.
Continue with your noble mission and may dear Allah reward you. Some former students may not be able to support you, not everyone's success is the same, but be convinced that your support is not just the money you give, but motivation and support and permanent good.
I have intention of continuing to support your Fund, as long as the opportunities allow and repay the "debt" in a much larger amount than was given to me.
Vildana Mahmutović, former scholarship recipient of Fund ''Bošnjaci''As-salamu alaykum,
The fund helped me when I needed it and for that I thank you very much. The least I can do as a thank you is to be one of those who will help the Fund and I hope that I will be able to constantly increase the amount of the donation. Besides, if I can help the work of the Fund in any other way, I am always available.
Thank you very much. I wish you and your family all the best in both worlds.
As-salamu alaykum and all the best,
Selma Jukić, Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo, former scholarship recipient of Fund "Bošnjaci"Dear All,
I have the need to thank you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart for your effort and dedication in this work and to ask the Lord to reward everyone who has contributed to the scholarship even in the smallest way, to write that in good deeds and reward them. I want your work to be as successful and prosperous as possible every year.
Davud Dedić, the second year student of the second cycle of studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo;Dear All,
I would just like to inform you that, as your scholarship holder, I graduated from the Medical Faculty of the University of Banja Luka with a grade point average of 9.4 and thank you for the selfless support you provided to me and my single mother through almost all my years of schooling. Now I have already got a job at the Sanski Most Health Center, which I think is great as the beginning of my career as a doctor of medicine. Of course, I will always try to remember and help the Fund whenever I can and thus contribute to your successful work. Thank you once again and I wish you much success in your future work.
Forever grateful,
Hana Tabaković, MDEsselamu aleikum,
Distinguished and respected members of Fund ''Bošnjaci''.
I am contacting you this time to thank the Fund that survives despite all the adversities that afflict our Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As a former scholarship holder, of Bejtuzzekata from Kuwait, I would like to inform you that I have not yet found a job, and I am completing my Master's degree at the Faculty of Economics, Business Management.
I have not forgotten either you or Fund ''Bošnjaci''.
And as a former fellow, I feel a moral obligation to be a part of a project like this.Since I am unemployed, I am not able to do that at the moment, but I pray to Allah Džele Še’nuhu to open the door to me to have an income, as soon as possible, and to contribute by my knowledge and work to the entire society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially that I can thank you with financial help, by donating a scholarship to a student, because ours is only what we give.
I send you the most sincere greetings and selam in the hope that next year we will all welcome in health and relaxation with our loved ones in better conditions compared to the ones we are in.
With respect,
Emina Buljubašić, Master's student at the Faculty of Economics in Zenica, Company ManagementEs-selamu alejkum!
I hope you are well and healthy. As your scholarship holder in the academic year 2020/2021 I felt the need to thank you for the help you provide to students. Thank you for helping the vulnerable, those who need material help for schooling, but also thank you very much for helping those who have proven their worth and ability with persistent effort and work. Your support in the previous year meant a lot to me and motivated me to work constantly and to try to be better and more successful.
I wish you all the best, that in the future, God willing, you will make many students and high school students happy and help them in their intention to be better and more successful people tomorrow.
Thanks again.
Irma Redžić, 2nd year student at the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo, Biology, Genetics.Dear Director and esteemed staff of Fund "Bošnjaci",
On this occasion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude Fund "Bošnjaci" as well as to Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait for the scholarship that accompanied me during my three years of study.
At the same time, I would like to convey to you the news that I crowned my two-subject study with the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo, completing my studies with an average of 9.77 in both Departments at the same time, which I consider my and our wider community success.
Being your scholarship holder was my honor, and now it is my responsibility and aspiration to follow your mission of humanity and good, selflessly directed towards progress and prosperity.
I cordially greet you, with the desire to continue by providing encouragement, support and motivation on the path of education to future generations!
Anida Ibričić, Master of Latin Language and Roman LiteratureEsselamu-alaykum respected foundation,,
I am honored to be one of the scholarship recipients of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' for academic year 2019/20 for which financial resources are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude.
Thanks to your support, I am the first in my family to attend college. Growing up in a less privileged community not only offers financial and academic challenges, but also helps me understand the value of college education.
With your help, I found it easier to finish my first year at the Polytechnic Faculty, Department of Software Engineering with a grade point average of 9.5. You have eased my financial burden, which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school: learning. The financial help you have given me is of great help in paying the costs of education and gives me the opportunity to devote more of my time to studying.
Your humanity motivated me to help others as well. My lifelong dream of attending computer science school is moving forward. I hope that one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you helped me.
Thank you so much for awarding me this amazing scholarship. The help of your generosity allows me to pursue an education that can inspire me to a successful IT career. I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient of your scholarship. Thank you for your generosity, which made it possible for me.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!I cordially greet you with sincere wishes for further success in every field.
Nejra Halilović, the second-year student of the Polytechnic Faculty in Zenica at the Department of Software EngineeringEsselamu-alaykum,
I am extremely honored to be part of such a Fund which, in addition to financial support in the form of scholarships, also provides support from all other aspects of education. I wish you all the best, many successful years of work and many hard-working and successful students that the future is up to them.
If God allows me to finish my education and get a job, I will be very happy to help you and our Fund ''Bošnjaci'', because we as scholarship holders know how important it is when someone rewards us for all our efforts and commitment and I also want to remain a part of this great family.
Esselamu-alaykum,Belmina Čoloman, the fourth-year student at the Faculty of Science in Tuzla, Department of PhysicsDear Sirs,
Esselamu alaykum. I am a student at the Faculty of Education, University of Sarajevo, enrolled in the second cycle of study. I was your scholarship holder for 3 years. This year, do I not meet the requirement relating to the II cycle (10.0), and I will not continue to receive the scholarship. I feel the need to thank you for all the previous years.
Now that I'm looking for a new foundation for scholarships, the more I realize that you are the only one who unconditionally help others. You were the ones who've supported me from the very beginning, gave me the impetus to try harder. I'm especially glad you supported me even though I'm married. In doing so, you have shown that you recognize the importance of marriage for society and you are an example to others to do the same.
Thank you for supporting me, and with your help I have successfully completed the first cycle of study and am the recipient of the University of Sarajevo Gold Badge.
Your scholarship is not only a financial aid (for books, exams ...), it is also a motivation to be more successful. I hope that in the future I will also be able to help the Foundation in some way.
Thank you for everything. I want you to encourage and support many more scholarship recipients in their most important role, the acquisition of knowledge. Good luck on your mission!
Esselamu alaykum
Belma Smlatić Harčević, student of the 1st year of II cycle of study at the Faculty of Education in SarajevoDear Director,
I take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate to you personally and your associates for the excellent work and results that you have achieved in the past 15 years, and the respectful preservation and enhancement of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' lofty mission! You are one of the lighthouses that leads our youth to a better future, filled with inspiration and optimism!
Sincerely, I am sending you Salaam with sincere wishes for continued success in every field.
Amina Rizvanbegović Džuvić, Director of Bosniac Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić FoundationDear Sirs,
On the occasion of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' Day sincerest congratulations to the Fund’s Director, Management and all people who are trying to financially support our education. For me it is of great importance and I try to justify this support with hard work and success at the faculty each year.
I wish you many more years of successful work and commitment to the young people in our country.
You are proof that hard work and dedication always pay, because you recognize it, and we, your scholarship holders are the proof that it can be make progress always better and more in our country. Let the Almighty Allah reward you, in this world and the hereafter, and our founder and Waqf rah. Alija Izetbegović by Paradise! Amen! Mahsuz Salaam, good people!
Azra Balavac, III year student of the Law Faculty “Džemal Bijedić” in MostarDear Sirs,
Thank you for everything you are doing and have done on behalf of the Fund in the way of support for young Bosniacs.
Let the Almighty reward you for your good deeds and help to happy realize all plans and objectives for many years, Inshallah!
We, the young force, are with you.
Mahsuz salaam and all good!
With respect,
Merjem Mekić, II year student of the Faculty of Islamic Studies of University of SarajevoAssalamu Alaikum!
Dear friends of Podrinje, before I say anything else, I want to sincerely thank you on own behalf and on behalf of our dear children. You had a chance to see the children's joy during your visit. I’m citing your director when he addressed the children: "You should know children that there is someone in Sarajevo, who cares about you, you are not left behind and forgotten..."
Believe me, I had a feeling that my imaan increased. For years, nobody addressed us in this way, so we started to lose hope. However, a nice person appeared and denied our thoughts. Regardless of the help offered it meant a lot to us and I had a need to transfer to you my/our impressions.
Nisvet Mujanović,teacher in RPS in Krizevici, Zvornik municipality
My name is Lina Rayan, I am a medical doctor. During education I have achieved an average rating of 9.03. Two academic years I was a scholar of the Fund "Bosnjaci". That scholarship meant a lot in every aspect, but for me personally it was a moral satisfaction, because there was someone who recognized my work and effort during education. I experienced it not only as a reward for previous work, but also I experienced that scholarship as a motivation to continue my work, to achieve new and better success, both in school and in life. I am grateful to the people who in this way help the education of our people, because it is a moral obligation and duty of every good man.
My responsibility is, when I’m able to, to keep this beautiful, and above all humane tradition - to help the Fund by money and thus give own contribution in the education of young people, whose efforts should be recognized and rewarded.
Lina Rayan(Finished Medical faculty in Sarajevo)
Assalamu Alaikum!
By this e-mail I want to thank you I was your scholar or scholar of "Bejtuzzekat" from Kuwait, during the three academic years. I am very glad that I've received a scholarship from you because you were my precious nafaka sent by dear Allah (swt). When the first time I applied for a scholarship, I never even hoped to get it. I thought it was just another futile attempt and gathering of extensive documentation, but thanks to Allah (swt), I managed to become your scholar.
Your scholarship has helped me a lot in schooling. After I started to receive scholarships, I didn’t ask for money for education from the parents, and even pocket money. I have always had money and I have even managed in several occasions to buy some useful things to my parents, because my father's income was minimal.
I managed to finish the studies in mathematics and now I got a new nafaka, which is paid doctoral studies in Slovenia. I hope it will come a new student instead of me who will be glad by you, and who will know how to use his scholarship in the right way. I wish that dear Allah (swt) plentifully reward you for your effort and work you do.
Your former scholar, Samed Bajric(Finished Faculty of Science in Tuzla)
I well remember, it was a math class. Since this event has already passed a few days, but I still want to express own feelings on this paper in order to keep that event longer in my memory. Mathematics is not the favorite subject, primarily because of the complexness, but also because of other things, so I was really happy when I saw a group of people entering our class. The first things I noticed were new balls for basketball, volleyball and my favorite game soccer. I assumed that these people have brought the ball as a gift and I was immensely happy. The teacher introduced us the people so well that I still remember the name of the Fund "Bosnjaci". I could hardly wait to address us, to find out whether the all balls that I saw brought as a gift to our school. At a time when they delivered the gifts to our school, my happiness had no bounds, because all those balls were donated to us. Since my favorite subject is physical training, which is not difficult to conclude from everything mentioned above, I could hardly wait to have the class and personally try out at least one soccer ball. On the class of physical training I asked the teacher to let my friends and me to play soccer with the new ball, and he allowed us to. It seems to me that I never had a better class than that one, because we were so lucky in the game, and it was like the ball just went in the direction where I wanted to go after a kick. I believe that the main point was the new ball, because the old and deformed one was impossible to kick.
In the end, there is nothing else to me but to thank those people from the Fund "Bosnjaci” from Sarajevo, because my one big thank to you is really small and so little for their big heart.
Rijad Hasanović,student RPS in Potocari