Awards and recognitions of new Hafizes

“Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Qur'an, Al-Hijra, 9)
Fund „Bošnjaci” has established cooperation with the Religious-educational service of The Riyasat of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina by signing the Protocol of Cooperation that stipulates that for each new hafiz Fund „Bošnjaci” will award a cash prize and special recognition. Until now, a total of 390 hafizes are live in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for 210 of them Fund awarded cash prizes and special recognition.
The Qur’an is the basic and fundamental source of all Islamic teaching: It contains what and how to believe which religious duties how to perform. It contains the basic moral rules, as it contains the news of the past nations and their prophets.
Promotion of Abdulaziz hfz. Drkić,
Sarajevo, 23.10. 2011.The Qur’an has been preserved in full as it is from God released to Muhammad, aleyhisselam. In The Qur’an has not been modified anything, nothing is added or taken away. That he will remain until Judgment Day. And it will be, we've witnessed the Qur'an, because the Almighty Creator says this explicitly: '' Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.'' (Qur'an, Al-Hijra, 9)
When Muhammad, aleyhisselam, had begun receiving wahy, he immediately remembered those parts of it that are published. From his followers also sought what he has been released to record, but also to learn by heart. And once during the lifetime of Muhammad, the Qur’an was listed. Muhammad Rasulullah said what order will line up verses in Sura, and which Sura beyond which should stand. As he asked his followers to remember certain parts of the Qur’an, every Muslim is aware of at least some of the Qur’an by heart. There were back in the aleyhisselam 'time who knew the Qur’an by heart. But Muhammad Rasulullah, asked his followers to not only learn the Qur’an themselves, rather than to teach others. One of his hadith reads: he best among you is he who learns the Qur'an and teaches others the Qur'an.
Promotion of Mahir hfz. Begović,
Travnik, 18. 12. 2011.For those who know the Qur’an by heart Prophet said that they are nobles of his followers: Leaders and nobles among my followers are those who memorize the Qur'an (hameletul - Qur’an ). Therefore, learn the Qur’an by heart is Sunnah, while many believe that it is the Muslims even fard kifaya, not the Sunnah.
Learning and memorizing the Qur’an by heart is called Hifzi. The one who learns memorized the Qur’an is called a hafiz, whereas before which an instructor teaches Hifzi is called muhaffiz.
And in our country, by the expansion of Islam soon began learning of the Qur’an by heart. Over time, the number of hafizes in our country became more numerous. Where some place was larger, and had a more religious and educational institutions (mektebs, madrassas, tekke and haniqahs), the number of people who knew the Qur’an by heart was bigger. From the extant documents, sigils, vakufnamas, idžazetnama (Diploma) and others, it is evident that during the Ottoman period in our country were hafizes in almost all places.
Promotion of Adis hfz. Baručić,
Bihać, 16. 01. 2010.Hafizes have always been appreciated and respected with us. If their morals and behavior were at a level the honor them was even higher.
It is our duty to strive to improve the status of Hifzes with us as much as possible, and that the number of hafizes in Bosnia and Herzegovina is multiplied. By this we extend our lovely tradition and at the same time follow the Sunnah of Muhammad, aleyhisselam.
Do not forget that the Prophet said: Leaders and nobles among my followers are those who memorize the Qur'an - Ešrafu ummeti hameletu-l Qur’an!
No. | Name and surname | Amount (KM) |
Ammar hfz. Bašić | 200,00 | |
Muharem hfz. Šeperović | 200,00 | |
Almir hfz. Salkanović | 200,00 | |
Nermin hfz. Ibrahimović | 200,00 | |
Izudin hfz. Gagula | 200,00 | |
Elmir hfz. Mašić | 200,00 | |
Zuhra hfz. Haušić | 200,00 | |
Selma hfz. Bećirević | 200,00 | |
Hatidža hfz. Kapo | 200,00 | |
Merjem hfz. Kapo | 200,00 | |
Salih hfz. Halilović | 200,00 | |
Abdullah hfz. Kapo | 300,00 | |
Husein hfz. Ajkunić | 300,00 | |
Džabir Džemal hfz. Hamza | 300,00 | |
Muhamed hfz. Kolić | 300,00 | |
Abdurahman hfz. Osmanović | 300,00 | |
Hamza hfz. Halilović | 300,00 | |
Nermina hfz. Čakić | 300,00 | |
Edin hfz. Smajić | 300,00 | |
Saima hfz. Zolota | 300,00 | |
Adis hfz. Baručić | 300,00 | |
Ahmed hfz. Rahmanović | 300,00 | |
Ahmed hfz. Bektaš | 300,00 | |
Tesnim hfz. Almonajed | 300,00 | |
Ruba hfz. Almonajed | 300,00 | |
Sabahudin hfz. Hašić | 300,00 | |
Emrah hfz. Litrić | 300,00 | |
Muamer hfz. Kadrić | 300,00 | |
Nurdin hfz. Mahmutović | 300,00 | |
Emir hfz. Sinanović | 300,00 | |
Merima hfz. Sinanović | 300,00 | |
Amela hfz. Šehić | 300,00 | |
Admir hfz. Husić | 300,00 | |
Haris hfz. Ahmić | 300,00 | |
Esma hfz. Mezit | 300,00 | |
Maid hfz. Ibrahimović | 300,00 | |
Aiša hfz. Bektaš | 300,00 | |
Fatima hfz. Bektaš | 300,00 | |
Lejla hfz. Mujčinović | 300,00 | |
Mahir hfz. Ramić | 300,00 | |
Adha hfz. Begić | 300,00 | |
Haris hfz. Ahmić | 300,00 | |
Fatima hfz. Mwalidi | 300,00 | |
Alena hfz. Brković | 300,00 | |
Merjema hfz. Aletić | 300,00 | |
Abdul-Aziz hfz. Drkić | 300,00 | |
Halidun hfz. Avdić | 300,00 | |
Nezir hfz. Šarić | 300,00 | |
Mahira hfz. Begović | 300,00 | |
Edin hfz. Peštalić | 300,00 | |
Nedžad hfz. Vehabović | 300,00 | |
Sulejman hfz. Mahmutović | 300,00 | |
Adina hfz. Muratović | 300,00 | |
Mahira hfz. Vlajčić | 300,00 | |
Dževad hfz. Šahinović | 300,00 | |
Ahmedin hfz. Bećirspahić | 300,00 | |
Omer hfz. Zulić | 300,00 | |
Adnan hfz. Maati | 300,00 | |
Merjema hfz. Abaz | 300,00 | |
Numan hfz. Bajrić | 300,00 | |
Muamer hfz. Okanović | 300,00 | |
Senad hfz. Ganić | 300,00 | |
Edina hfz. Efendić | 300,00 | |
Dževad hfz. Tokmić | 300,00 | |
Muharem hfz. Bajrić | 300,00 | |
Ajdin hfz. Hadžihafizbegović | 300,00 | |
Fatima hfz. Čaušević | 300,00 | |
Merjem hfz. Avdić | 300,00 | |
Sead hfz. Subašić | 300,00 | |
Abdussamed hfz. Podojak | 300,00 | |
Saudin hfz. Gobeljić | 300,00 | |
Mehmed hfz. Mujić | 300,00 | |
Kemal hfz. Hasić | 300,00 | |
Merjema hfz. Šišić | 300,00 | |
Dr. Sead hfz. Mekić | 300,00 | |
Salema hfz. Begović | 300,00 | |
Berina hfz. Mehić | 300,00 | |
Hfz. Omer ef. Kurtić | 300,00 | |
Sadžida hfz. Skejić Džihić | 300,00 | |
Fatima hfz. Hamaš Ouchene | 300,00 | |
Hfz. Hašim ef. Zahirović | 300,00 | |
Ernad hfz. Kujraković | 300,00 | |
Abedin hfz. Spahić | 300,00 | |
Salahuddin hfz. Hussein | 300,00 | |
Hamza hfz. Lavić | 300,00 | |
Harun hfz. Ekinović | 300,00 | |
Senita hfz. Smajić | 300,00 | |
Amena hfz. Omerović | 300,00 | |
Halima hfz. Ljutić | 300,00 | |
Omer hfz. Šabanović | 300,00 | |
Ismail hfz. Fazlović | 300,00 | |
Osman hfz. Tufekčić | 300,00 | |
Samir hfz. Haskić | 300,00 | |
Sabaheta hfz. Hasanović | 300,00 | |
Minela hfz. Šarić-Gološ | 300,00 | |
Vedad hfz. Kasumović | 300,00 | |
Zerina hfz. Muminović | 300,00 | |
Alem hfz. Rihić | 300,00 | |
Ahmed hfz. Hamidović | 300,00 | |
Suhejb hfz. Česović | 300,00 | |
Sara hfz. Selman | 300,00 | |
Ahmed hfz. Šišić | 300,00 | |
Zehra hfz. Bajrić | 300,00 | |
Azra hfz. Kapetanović | 300,00 | |
Aziz hfz. Makan | 300,00 | |
Medina hfz. Živčić | 300,00 | |
Faris hfz. Begić | 300,00 | |
Indira hfz. Mujkanović-Tulek | 300,00 | |
Aida hfz. Ahmetović | 300,00 | |
Anisa hfz. Jusić | 300,00 | |
Nudžejma hfz. Grošo | 300,00 | |
Eldina hfz. Imamović | 300,00 | |
Almedina hfz. Imamović | 300,00 | |
Ahmed hfz. Mrahorović | 300,00 | |
Mehmed hfz. Kudić | 300,00 | |
Ismail hfz. Zlotrg | 300,00 | |
Tarik hfz. Dogan | 300,00 | |
Suad hfz. Godušević | 300,00 | |
Edin hfz. Hamzić | 300,00 | |
Špendi hfz. Fidani | 300,00 | |
Jusuf hfz. Bećoj | 300,00 | |
Affan hfz. Bukva | 300,00 | |
Amina hfz. Orlović | 300,00 | |
Behija hfz. Spahić | 300,00 | |
Aid hfz. Tulek | 300,00 | |
Almir hfz. Taletović | 300,00 | |
Armin hfz. Harbaš | 300,00 | |
Merjema hfz. Žužo | 300,00 | |
Zehrid hfz. Rešić | 300,00 | |
Sumejja hfz. Rešić | 300,00 | |
Fatima hfz. Skopljak | 300,00 | |
Edina hfz. Mehuljić | 300,00 | |
Anes hfz. Mulić | 300,00 | |
Senada hfz. Čačković | 300,00 | |
Hamza hfz. Išerić | 300,00 | |
Hasib hfz. Mimić | 300,00 | |
Ibrahim hfz. Čeho | 300,00 | |
Abdullah hfz. Mrkonjić | 300,00 | |
Almir hfz. Hadžić | 300,00 | |
Abdurahman hfz. Tabaković | 300,00 | |
Medina hfz. Hamzabegović | 300,00 | |
Mustafa hfz. Mujkić | 300,00 | |
Jasmina hfz. Ekić | 300,00 | |
Edin hfz. Fajković | 300,00 | |
Merjema hfz. Choulah | 300,00 | |
Adisa hfz. Aganhodžić | 300,00 | |
Nijaz hfz. Aganhodžić | 300,00 | |
Fatima hfz. Camić | 300,00 | |
Omer hfz. Midžić | 300,00 | |
Hamza hfz. Kanurić | 300,00 | |
Tarik hfz. Karalić | 300,00 | |
Samra hfz. Pivić | 300,00 | |
Sara hfz. Mehić | 300,00 | |
Nusejba hfz. Alihodža | 300,00 | |
Semir hfz. Imamović | 300,00 | |
Faris hfz. Perenda | 300,00 | |
Nijaz hfz. Omeragić | 300,00 | |
Edin hfz. Čaušević | 300,00 | |
Jasmina hfz. Sinanović-Polić | 300,00 | |
Harzudin hfz. Škiljan | 300,00 | |
Merjem hfz. Bektaš | 300,00 | |
Nizama hfz. Imamović-Fočo | 300,00 | |
Hajra hfz. Imamović-Zulum | 300,00 | |
Haris hfz. Delić | 300,00 | |
Ibrahim hfz. Orman | 300,00 | |
Zekija hfz. Krvavac | 300,00 | |
Omer Faruk hfz. Bureković | 300,00 | |
Haris hfz. Tabaković | 300,00 | |
Sakib hfz. Grabus | 300,00 | |
Nedim hfz. Botić | 300,00 | |
Nijaz hfz. Čizmić | 300,00 | |
Abdullah hfz. Haušić | 300,00 | |
Semir hfz. Bektaš | 300,00 | |
Lamija hfz. Alijević | 300,00 | |
Belma hfz. Hajrić | 300,00 | |
Bajram hfz. Dizdarević | 300,00 | |
Amel hfz. Didić | 300,00 | |
Ahmed hfz. Duranović | 300,00 | |
Harisa hfz. Brkić | 300,00 | |
Amir hfz. Čauš | 300,00 | |
Amina hfz. Lila | 300,00 | |
Dženisa hfz. Pleh | 300,00 | |
Abdullah hfz. Halilović | 300,00 | |
Belmin hfz. Džananović | 300,00 | |
Anis hfz. Čilić | 300,00 | |
Ismail hfz. Halak | 300,00 | |
Ahmed hfz. Avdibašić | 300,00 | |
Elmedina hfz. Avdibašić | 300,00 | |
Kerima hfz. Musić | 300,00 | |
Merjema hfz. Kelemiš | 300,00 | |
Hamdo hfz. Solo | 300,00 | |
Miralem hfz. Muratović | 300,00 | |
Faruk hfz. Obuća | 300,00 | |
Omar hfz. Nuhić | 300,00 | |
Rahma hfz. Abdelmonem | 300,00 | |
Ernad hfz. Kukuljac | 300,00 | |
Abdullah hfz. Tabaković | 300,00 | |
Semir hfz. Junuzović | 300,00 | |
Adem hfz. Sinanović | 300,00 | |
Nihad hfz. Buljubašić | 300,00 | |
Sumeja hfz. Bilčević | 300,00 | |
Merjem hfz. Hazić | 300,00 | |
Velida hfz. Smajlović | 300,00 | |
Kasim hfz. Čelenka | 300,00 | |
Amir hfz. Hodžić | 300,00 | |
Lamyaa hfz. Abouelella | 300,00 | |
Esma hfz. Inan | 300,00 | |
Redžo hfz. Sivić | 300,00 | |
Maida hfz. Razić | 300,00 | |
Hrustan hfz. Šišić | 300,00 | |
TOTAL KM: | 61.900,00 |