
The learning process lasts for a person's life. However, there are times during his life, which are crucial in the process of acquiring of knowledge and of which, in most cases, our future occupation depends on. One of those periods in which we are most dedicated to science is the study period. It is a long-lasting process which requires a lot of intellectual effort, but in addition, also substantial financial resources, which are in today's socio-economic circumstances hard to reach for a large number of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Those who have the privilege to study are faced with problems of providing of accommodation and adaptation to the new environment and to all other costs should be added those for securing of the necessary books during the study. Therefore, any assistance in any respect for the students is valuable because it allows him to focus all his attention to the primary task and it is learning.
Signing of a Contract on scholarship at the amphitheater of Gazi Husrev-Bey Madrasa, Sarajevo 2010. Completely understanding a situation in which generally Bosniaks are, and especially the young population, Fund "Bošnjaci" set as the primary task providing of scholarships for successful and talented students and pupils. New personnel from all areas are the new energy, inserted into the system, which will accelerate development of our society, because only young people have the necessary courage to face new challenges and much needed innovativeness that lies in the base of every progress. If we know that in a four-year period of the aggression and genocide (1991-1995) we lost permanently many young and educated personnel who were support of development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and also survival of Bosniaks in it, education funding of new generations should be first on the list of the state priority. But as always, during their long history Bosniaks cannot count on any serious support from national structures and they were sentenced to manage alone, and provide funds for education. In the moments like this emerges importance of funds, foundations and Waqfs, which support education of pupils and students. Sometimes these organizations are the only address where students and teachers can turn to for help and support in the process of studying.
Signing of a Contract on scholarship at the hall of Gazi Husrev-Bey's Library, Sarajevo 2014. We are proud that Fund "Bošnjaci" represents one of those addresses where a large number of young people found a solution for their financial problems and thus successfully completed their education.
From year to year, the Fund has increased the number of scholarships and other forms of assistance in education. By its transparency and concrete work based on the Vakifs’ will and regulations of the Fund it is acquired outstanding reputation which has resulted in an exceptionally large response of students to competitions.
In order to avoid any obscurity and possible doubts in the manner and criteria of scoring system, in addition to competition there has been published publicly scoring system and score of applicants, so that each applicant could confirm the number of points and control the objectivity of the Commission.
Scholarships provided by Fund “Bošnjaci” are awarded to pupils and students from the whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of the headquarters of schools and universities. Scholarships are paid regularly in the amount of 120.00 KM for pupils and 170.00 KM for students for a period from 10 to 12 months.
Signing of a Contract on scholarship at the hall of Gazi Husrev-Bey's Library, Sarajevo 2016. The scholarship holders of Fund "Bošnjaci" are the most successful students of faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the rating of professors and administration of universities and colleges where they study. In addition to achieving excellent results in education, they are also the best examples of nice and decent behavior. Among the scholars of the Fund, there is an exceptionally large number of students with an average grade of 10.00, followed by students of “the Golden Badge” Award, “the Golden Plaque”, “the Rector's Charter”, “the Dean's Charter”, as well as a large number of students of the generation. In order to describe what kind of scholarship holders are they that is best done by their average grade, which for students start from 9.00 to 9.60.
The scholarship holders of Fund "Bošnjaci students with an average grade of 10.00, Gazi Husrev-Bey's Library, Sarajevo 2018. Societies whose economies are based only on the exploitation of natural resources are destined to fail, since the stocks of these resources are limited and at the end exploitation ceases. Therefore the main task of any society is to ensure the survival and prosperity, which can be achieved only through long-term, continuous and quality investment in education. The perfect example of such resources management is Japan, which, according to the richness of natural resources, is among the poorest countries, but thanks to investing in quality education, it has developed one of the most successful and stable economies in the world. The recipe of Japan’s success is simple - a quality education. A society which has a large number of thinking people will easily replace any deficiencies in any field.
Our wish is for Bosnia and Herzegovina to be a just and prosperous country for all peoples and citizens living in it as wise and highly educated people and who will build, improve and protect their country.
You can find more about the scholars of the Fund on the link.