Competition for the best literary work

Based on the Work Plan Fund ''Bošnjaci'' is announcing a competition for the best literary work on the topic: ''Dok je podizao prvu kuću na dvije vode tinjala mu je iza leđa pripravna glavnja!'' /Engl. "While he was building the first house on two waters, a prepared firewood was smoldering behind him!”/ (Husein Hasković)
- High school students and students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Diaspora may participate at the competition.
- Authors of literary expression: poetry, prose and others, may equally participate at the competition.
- The papers should not exceed 7 pages (1 page = 1,800 characters).
The deadline for submission of papers is November 11, 2024, up to 3:00 p.m..
Papers should be submitted exclusively via e-mail: with note:
For the competition: ''Dok je podizao prvu kuću na dvije vode tinjala mu je iza leđa pripravna glavnja!'' /Engl. "While he was building the first house on two waters, a prepared firewood was smoldering behind him!”/.
The personal data of the author will be temporarily removed from the received works, after which they will be submitted, under a code, to the competent Commission for evaluation.
Results of the competition will be published on Fund ”Bošnjaci“ website and Facebook page immediately after the end of the Commission's work.
- The first prize is: 500,00 BAM
- The second prize is: 400,00 BAM
- The third prize is: 300,00 BAM
Prizes and awards will be presented at the ceremony of signing the contract on the awarding of scholarships for students school/academic year 2024/25.
Awarded works will be published on the website and Facebook page of the Fund.
- The submitted papers are not subject to return, and Fund ”Bošnjaci“ reserves the right to their partial or complete use with the obligation to indicate the name of the author.
- With the delivery of the works, it is mandatory to state:
- Name and headquarters of the school or faculty, class or year of study;
- Contact phone number and residential address.