
Every road which does not lead to goodness is obliquity. Fund "Bošnjaci" (Bosniaks) started over the road of goodness back in 1997 when it was founded within the Party of Democratic Action of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order to restore, as a result of war suffering, lost human resources at least partially, and help young and talented in education and thereby increase the interest to stay and work in our country, it provided scholarship for a large number of gifted pupils and students from the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 2001 the Fund "Bošnjaci" operates as an independent Waqif within Waqf Directorate Sarajevo, presenting contemporary way of waqfing, whose main goals and tasks are specified by waqfnama and other normative-legal acts.
Signing of the Contract on scholarship at the amphitheater of Gazi Husrev-Bey Madrasa in Sarajevo in 2005. From the very beginning of its operation Fund "Bošnjaci" has set scholarships as a priority, as the best form of help pupils and students in their education. Therefore, in the period since 2001 until 2006 the scholarships received 165 pupils and students for which significant funds were provided. This type of assistance, besides it made easier life of scholarships, was the impetus for achieving the best results during their schooling. Scholarship is the best, but not the only way to help young people in education. On several occasions, the Fund "Bošnjaci" was recognizing specific scientific research projects as strategic and provided financial support to them.
Gazi Husrev-Bey Madrasah in Sarajevo Among other things, Waqfnama commits us to specific financial support and assistance to Gazi Husrev-Bey's madrasah and the First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo. In the wake of the Waqif wish in 2002 was granted a portion of the funds for the renovation and reconstruction of these schools.
In 2003 for the first time they approved the funds for prizes and awards to new Qur'an hafizes, which later became a traditional activity of the Fund. In the first years of independent operation the Fund has contributed to the restoration of religious and other important facilities, destroyed during the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina on the territory of RS.
Ferhat-Pasha Mosque in Banja Luka
In this way, the Fund has stimulated return of Bosniaks to their eternal homes, because the mosque is a symbol and soul of every bazaar, and when the soul is returned to the bazaar it is a signal that there is room for Bosniaks and hope for a new beginning.For projects of mosques reconstruction it is particularly important 2002 year in which the Fund participated in donating of funds for reconstruction of Banja-Luka’s Ferhadija, the mosque in Stolac, the mosques in Srebrenica, Gorazde, Mostar, etc.
In 2003 was financially supported construction of the memorial center and cemetery in Potocari, and renovation of Atik mosque in Bijeljina and Musluk mosque in Foca, while in 2004 was provided part of the funds for assistance in construction of a mosque in Bosanski Novi.
Memorial Center in Potočari Extremely difficult social status of Bosniaks is the result of the past aggression, genocide, urbicide, culturecide and everything else that this nation passed in the period from 1992 to 1995. Destroyed and looted private and social assets, dissolution or disappearance of entire families, and inability to return and ensure basic means of living are just some of the problems which a large number of our countrymen regularly encounter. Despite all the problems that Bosniaks have confronted during and after the aggression there also appeared a problem of prosecuting of a certain number of prominent members of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina which has set a new blow to Bosniaks - victims of the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order to mitigate the heavy material and financial situation the Fund "Bošnjaci" allocated part of the funding for their families.
By The Great God we swear that we will not be slaves The work of the Fund "Bošnjaci" is extremely transparent so we can proudly go public with the realized activities and implemented projects.
During 2005 is realized extremely good cooperation with the Islamic information newspaper "Preporod", which has done much to affirm the role and objectives of our fund.
In order to prevent repetition of history, it is necessary to work on rising of cultural and national awareness of youth since they will be future intellectual power which will lead Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bosniaks. Bosniak intellectuals must be aware of the circumstances in which their people live so they’d know how to make correct decisions in the future. These were the main motives that have inspired us to organize a visit to the Memorial Centre in Potocari for a group of our students in 2006, to a place that preserves the memory of the greatest crime in Europe since the Second World War, and it's genocide against Bosniaks in the "protected area" of the UN in Srebrenica.
Srebrenica survivors have reminded our scholarships that the oblivion syndrome for a long time has been a distinctive line of collective character and mentality of Bosniaks, and for such irresponsibility we have paid too high price.
Signing of the Contract on a scholarship at the premises of the Waqf Direction in Sarajevo in 2007.
Scholarships for talented pupils and students was the primary task of the Fund "Bošnjaci" in 2007 year in which the scholarship received 73 pupils and students, of which 49 scholarship funds provided "Bejtuzzekat" from Kuwait.
The practice of rewarding of new Qur'an hafizes has continued into this year. Desiring to further promote the talented pupils and students the Fund "Bošnjaci" for the first time in 2007 announced a competition for literary work. The right to participate in the competition had high school students and students from both Bosnia and Herzegovina and diaspora, on the topic Why stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The competition was successfully completed and officially presented awards and prizes. For the first place prize was KM 900.00, 600.00 for second place and third KM 300.00.
Representatives of “Bejtuzzekata” from Kuwait during the visit of the Fund „Bošnjaci“ in 2007. During 2008 The Fund has implemented a range of activities and projects, and expanded the scope of its assistance to the population of children of returnees. The trend of increasing of scholars number is for continued so in 2008 their number reached 110, of which funds for the 51st scholar provided "Bejtuzzekat" from Kuwait.
For the second time was announced and implemented a successful competition for literary work, this time on the topic Where are you going to my people. Three best works were awarded with awards and cash prizes in the amounts determined in 2007. This year special attention was dedicated to promotion of the Fund and its work. Through Radio of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina "BIR", Islamic information newspaper "Preporod" and other mass media, the public is informed about the implementation, aims, objectives, significance and achievements of the Fund.
Awarding of prize and award to Jasmina Ćorović the winner of literary contest in 2008. There’s been signed a cooperation agreement with the Religious-educational service of Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the basis for future cooperation. In the wake of this agreement awards for passed hifz were granted.
Besides all the activities carried out in 2008, special attention was given to the visit and the delivery of assistance to students returners. It is clear that the Bosniaks are second-class citizens on the territory, which includes the RS. Children of returnees are particularly vulnerable, which due to severe socio-economic situation of families but also due to the neglect of the competent authorities, are being denied a quality education. The devastating fact is that there in schools with a majority of Bosniak children is lack of basic educational tools for work and implementation of regular teaching activities. Fund "Bošnjaci" in cooperation with the organizational units of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, teaching personnel and parents of students collected data about the number of schools and students structure in order to facilitate in the best possible way education of one of the most vulnerable category of population in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In addition to visits to primary schools in Cerska, Tjentište and Međeđa because of discovering of needs and capabilities to help students returnees, there has been implemented another specific project. We managed to secure books from a national group of subjects which we in the presence of teachers and parents, in a solemn way, handed to students of elementary school in Potocari, Srebrenica municipality.
In 2009 there was a further increase in the number of scholarships, as well as increased activities in providing of basic tools for teaching in a certain number of schools in these and other municipalities. This year, scholarships received 131 pupils and students, and for 50 of them funds provided "Bejtuzzekat" from Kuwait.
The ceremony of awarding of award and recognition to winners of the literary contest in 2009. Literary contest was organized for the third time and the topic was Between hope and fear. Among many submitted papers the best four were selected, and their authors were awarded with appropriate awards and cash prizes.
A large number of cultural and historical monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina testify about its millennium of existence and turbulent past.
Having in mind that one nation is respected by its attitude toward own culture, religion and tradition The Fund “Bošnjaci” has organized scholar visiting at the Memorial Center in Potocari, shaheeds’ cemetery and the Old Bridge in Mostar, the ancient towns Stolac and Počitelj and well known tekke at the Buna source.
During visiting of these places our hosts were organized apropriate lectures.
Delivery of the Letter of thanks to the Director of the Fund „Bošnjaci“ for support in work of Radio „BIR“ the radio of IC in B&H. This year The Fund has realized cooperation with the Radio of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina "BIR" through sponsorship of programs Man and time and Inspired thoughts and about our activities have reported Islamic informative newspaper "Preporod", RTV RTVS Vogošća. We have consolidated and improved relations with the Fund "Bejtuzzekat" from Kuwait, whose representatives are familiar with the role and work of the Fund “Bošnjaci“, and particularly they were informed about the criteria and method of awarding of scholarships for which this Fund provides the funds.
Upon review of the basic needs of returnee children fund “Bošnjaci” awarded in 2009 a one-off financial aids, teaching materials, sports and computer equipment to a certain number of students and schools in the municipality of Visegrad, Foca, Cajnice, Zepa, Rogatica, Berkovici, Bileca, Nevesinje, Vlasenica, Milici, Bratunac and Srebrenica. There were successfully organized instructive lessons for the students of final grade in a branch school in Potocari from subjects Computer Science, Mathematics and English, which facilitated their entry into secondary school and acquiring of new knowledge in these areas.
The Fund also sponsored a "Peace march" Nezuci - Potocari providing 300 T-shirts for participants with an appropriate photograph and inscription.
Awarding of prizes and awards to winners of literary competition in 2010. The best results up to date Fund “Bošnjaci” achieved in 2010. By a Decision of the Management Board in school/academic year 2010/11 scholarships were granted to 158 pupils and students, of which the Fund “Bošnjaci” provided 108 (21 pupils and 87 students) and for 50 students from funds provided by “Bejtuzzekat" from Kuwait.
The competition for the literary work has already become a traditional activity of the Fund. Topics of contest in 2010 were: Everything mine is in Bosnia and Do what you can, with what you have, where you are, andfour best works were awarded.
In 2010 some teaching resources and equipment were assigned to students returning to school in Konjevic Polje, Glogova, Voljevica and Potocari. In the period from February to June, the regional primary schools in Potocari (Srebrenica municipality) and Konjevic Polje (Bratunac Municipality) has successfully organized instructive courses of 144 hours in Mathematics, English and Bosnian language, which was attended by over 90 students of final grades
Allocation of Textbooks from the national group of subjects to the students returnees to the municipality of Zvornik in 2010. At the beginning of the school 2010/11 year there were provided and distributed 1753 textbooks from the national group of subjects for 424 students from first to ninth grade in the municipalities Bratunac and Zvornik, as well as the most essential teaching aids and equipment for students and schools in Snagovo, Kula Grad, Divič, Liplje Kamenica Križević and Konjevic Polje.
Fund “Bošnjaci” in 2010 participated in co-financing of a certain number of seminars and conferences which talked about current issues in the field of religion, education and science.
Participants in the seminar of “The affirmation and importance of Waqf as a durable good” Sarajevo, in 2010. We particularly distinguish participation in organization of a seminar for a region of eight of muftiluks with the subject Affirmation and importance of Waqf as durable goods. Organizer of this project was Vaqf Directorate Sarajevo, and the Fund “Bošnjaci” was a financial sponsor. Since the Fund is the best example of a functional, useful and sustainable Waqf, director of the Fund as part of the seminar gave a lecture on the topic The Fund “Bošnjaci” as the modern way of endowment. The Fund participated in the financial support of the conference entitled The Future of religion in the era of globalization, organized by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Sarajevo
From one of the promotion of the new learners of the Quran held in 2008, in Žepče. Continuation of specialization and further education of our scholars was also one of the tasks of the Fund “Bošnjaci” this year. It has been successfully implemented through the organization of two seminars in Sarajevo and Tuzla on the theme: Writing business resumes, business correspondence and job interview and Theories and techniques of motivation in modern organizations. Seminars were organized in cooperation with the Center for personal and professional development in Sarajevo for 56 scholarships of the fund “Bošnjaci”. Also in 2010 the Fund has contributed to the anniversary of genocide against the Bosniaks of Srebrenica through the sponsorship of Peace march Nezuci - Potocari.
Fund “Bošnjaci” took part in co-financing of an event Promotion of new Quran reciters, organized by the Islamic community Zepce.
A portion of funds was extracted to help disadvantaged and sick persons, and granted one-off financial assistance to families evacuated due to natural disasters caused by catastrophic landslides in the area of the hamlet Suljaković municipality Maglaj.
The ceremony of signing of scholarship Agreement in the amphitheater of Gazi Husrev-Bey's Madrasa in Sarajevo 2012. In school/academic 2012/13 year 170 scholarships were awarded to gifted pupils and students, of which 120 scholarships from funds of Fund "Bošnjaci" and 50 scholarships for which funds are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait.
At the signing ceremony of the scholarship agreement for the first time, cash prizes and awards were awarded to the most successful scholarship holders of Fund "Bošnjaci" at the first and second cycle of studies and students with an average grade of 10.00 in the previous academic year. Textbooks from the Bosnian language and Islamic religious studies were provided for the needs of 101 returnee’ pupils in the municipality of Glamoč, as well as a projector for the needs of the school. The Agreement on cooperation was signed with the Waqf’s Directorate, which refers to scholarships for accommodation of 60 students in the student home Nedžarići and Bjelave in Sarajevo.
This year, Fund "Bošnjaci" called for a Literary Contest on topics: “We exist if we make the right steps towards each other” and "Not only water flows in Bosnian rivers.”
Cooperation with the religious-educational service of the Riyasat of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina continued, so that this year also awards and recognitions were awarded for the new 17 hafizes of the Holy Qur'an.
Funds were awarded to fund scholarship holder Adnan Zahirović, a student of the first year of the second cycle of studies at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at the University of Sarajevo at the Chemistry Department with an average grade of 10.00, for the presentation of Scientific Research Work at the European and World Congress of Coordination Chemistry whose work was especially noteworthy and published in the representative world scientific journals and media.
The Fund’s scholarship holders visit to Shahid’s Cemetery in Mostar.The one-day visit of the Fund’s scholarship holders to the cultural and historical sites in Herzegovina was organized during which the scholars visited some of the most important cultural and historical sites, such as: Armed Forces’ Building D-0 in Konjic, the Shahid’s Cemetery and the Old Bridge in Mostar, Hadji-Alijina Mosque, The Clock Tower and the Fortress in Počitelj and Tekija on the Buna River in Blagaj.
As in the previous, this year also, the participation was taken in co-financing of “The Waqf’s Days in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012.”
The Fund’s representatives participated in the international seminar named “Governing and investing in Waqf” organized by the Waqf’s Directorate as well as at the business conference “New Possibilities” organized by BBI Bank, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
The Fund allocated funds for co-financing the production of the documentary film “Imams Shahids” organized by the Association "Ilmije" of IC in BiH. One-time financial assistance was granted in education to a number of children of deceased imams.
This year also, the Fund achieved successful cooperation with Radio "BIR" through the sponsorship of a part of the education program. Islamic informative newspapers "Preporod", Daily newspapers "Oslobodjenje" and "Avaz", RTVSA, RTV Vogošća, TV HEMA and others reported on the realization of our activities.
As in previous years, activities related to projects in the field of education and science were continued. In school/academic 2013/14 year for 175 pupils and students are provided funding for scholarships, 125 of which are financed by Fund ‘‘Bošnjaci’’ and 50 students for which funds are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait. Of the total number of scholarships awarded, 24 students were with an average grade of 10, two Hafizes of the Holy Qur'an and 16 of the students of a generation. For the first time, funds for scholarships for 5 students at the Doctoral study with an average grade of 10.00 were provided for: the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Sarajevo and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Ljubljana.
The ceremony of signing of scholarship Agreement in the amphitheater of Gazi Husrev-Bey's Madrasa in Sarajevo, 2013.Two scholarships were awarded to students of the generation of Gazi Husrev-Bay’s Madrasa and the First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo.
Scholarships were provided for payment of the dormitory Nedžarići and Bjelave for 60 students, for which funds were provided by the Waqf’s Directorate from donors from Kuwait.
Activities related to investing the part of the Fund's financial resources were continuously conducted to protect and preserve the active (real) value of the basic Waqf, as well as to secure the profit for the realization of the Fund's basic objectives and tasks.
Fund ‘‘Bošnjaci’’ continued with projects to help returnee’s pupils in the smaller BiH entity. Based on the planned activities of Fund ‘‘Bošnjaci’’ in 2013, the most basic teaching aid and equipment were donated to 30 returnee’s pupils the most successful students of Maktab teaching, in returnee’s Jamats Glinje and Srednja Trnova in the municipality of Ugljevik. In order to achieve better results and for easier enrollment in secondary schools, Fund "Bošnjaci" organized the teaching instructions for 32 pupils in the 8th and 9th grades of the Primary schools in Potočari, the municipality of Srebrenica and Križevići, Municipality of Zvornik, in the subjects of mathematics, physics and English language.
Activities related to the organization of competitions for the best art work, poetic and prose composition on the topic: “Aladža mosque - the beauty of the Balkans” were realized.
In cooperation with the Religious Education Service of the Riyasat of IC in BiH, with the aim of encouraging and supporting the learning of the hifz, Fund "Bošnjaci" has provided cash awards and recognitions for 29 new hafizes. Money prizes and awards were awarded to the winners of the final Maktab competition.
Ramadan iftar for the scholarship holders of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' Hotel ''Bristol'', Sarajevo.During the month of Ramadan, joint Iftars were organized for 455 fasting persons in returnee’s settlements in Rogatica, Cerska, Prodoli and Kiev, as well as one Iftar for the scholarship holders of Fund ‘‘Bošnjaci’’ at Hotel Bristol in Sarajevo.
We participated in the project of citizen education in connection with the population census in 2013 through the co-financing of the special program of Radio "BIR", then in the co-financing of “The Waqf’s Days in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013” and others.
We participated at the 1st International symposium on Alija Izetbegović organized by UG "Young Muslims", International University of Sarajevo, Museum "Alija Izetbegović" and Bağcilar Municipality from Turkey.
The scholarship holders of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' with an average grade of 10,00.In school / academic 2014/15 year 154 scholarships are awarded to the gifted pupils and students, 104 of which funds were provided by Fund "Bošnjaci" and 50 scholarships to students for which funds are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait. Out of the total number of scholarships awarded, 23 students are with an average grade of 10, one is for a hafiz of the Holy Qur'an and 9 students of the generation.
A Protocol on Cooperation was signed with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkey and the Embassy of BiH in the Republic of Turkey in relation to the scholarship of 20 children of miners killed in Soma, Republic of Turkey.
Scholarships for payment of the dormitory Nedžarići and Bjelave, for which funds were provided by the Waqf’s Directorate from donors from Kuwait, were given to 60 students. This year also 21 students were granted scholarships for which funds were provided by the Waqf’s Directorate from the Waqf of the late Nurko Hadžić.
Two scholarships were awarded to students of the generation of Gazi Husrev-Bay's Madras and the First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo.
Participants of the Educational Program in the Education Center in Nova Kasaba, Milići.In order to provide the necessary knowledge to the returnee’s children from Konjević Polje and the surrounding places from the Bosnian language and literature, history, geography, mathematics, chemistry, biology, music and fine arts, English language, Computer science, physical and health education, Islamic religious education and other social and natural sciences, an Educational Program for children of elementary school was launched in the Educational Center in Nova Kasaba, Municipality of Milići, at the beginning of 2014.
Funds were provided in the name of assistance in organizing and performing instructional classes for returnee’s pupils in Vrbanjci, municipality of Kotor Varoš.
A competition is organized for the best literary work on the topic of “Helpful people - are the best.”
Activities related to the awarding of cash prizes and recognitions to the new hafizes, as well as activities related to the awarding of cash prizes and recognition to the winners of the final competition of primary and secondary school students from Islamic religious education and the final Maktab competition at the level of the Riyasat IZ in BiH were continued.
Through the presentation of the project and Fund "Bošnjaci" participation was taken in the 5th International Investment Conference “Sarajevo Business Forum 2014.”
The ceremony of signing of scholarship Agreement in the amphitheater of Gazi Husrev-Bey's Madrasa in Sarajevo 2015.In school / academic 2015/16 year 252 scholarships were awarded, out of which 100 scholarships to pupils and students for which funds are provided by Fund "Bošnjaci", 50 scholarships to students for whom funds are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait, then 60 scholarships to students accommodated in the dormitory Nedžarići and Bjelave in Sarajevo for which funds are provided by the Waqf’s Directorate through donors from Kuwait, 22 scholarships to students for which funds are provided by the Waqf’s Directorate from funds from the Waqf of the late Nurko Hadžić and 20 scholarships for high school students, children of miners who were killed in Soma, Republic of Turkey, for which funds are provided by Mr. Bakir Izetbegović's cabinet, through donors.
Two scholarships were awarded to students of the generation of Gazi Husrev-Bay's Madrasa and the First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo.
In order to provide the necessary knowledge to the returnee’s children from Konjević Polje and the surrounding areas, the Educational Program was realized for 119 children of elementary school in cooperation with the IC in BiH in the Center for Education in Nova Kasaba, Municipality of Vlasenica. School benches and chairs as well as a part of school supplies were provided for the needs of 11 pupils of the elementary school in Žepa. A significant number of books were collected and distributed for the needs of the library in the Jamat Kalata, Majlis of IC Kozarac.
Signing of a Cooperation Agreement with Foundation of Prof. PhD. Necmettin ErbakanFund "Bošnjaci" and Foundation of Prof. PhD. Necmettin Erbakan signed a Cooperation Agreement in the Republic of Turkey.
Two meetings of the Management Board of Fund "Bošnjaci" and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkey were held regarding the scholarships for twenty children of miners who died in Soma, Republic of Turkey.
Activities were carried out in connection with the awarding of cash prizes and awards for 30 new hafizes. The prizes and recognitions were awarded to the winners of the 18th final Maktab competition as well as to the winners of the 4th final competition of primary and secondary school pupils from Islamic religious education at the BiH level.
The winners of literary competition with representatives of the Fund and members of the Commission on Shahid's cemetery Kovači.It was organized a one-day seminar on the topic: “Leadership.” Also it was organized a one-day visit of a new generation of scholarship holders to some of the cultural and historical sites in Konjic, Mostar, Počitelj and Blagaj.
A contest for the best literary work on the topic: "You've shown us the path of pride and patience" was organized for pupils of secondary schools and students from BiH and diaspora, on the occasion of marking the 90th anniversary of the birth of Alija Izetbegović, the First President of the Independent RBiH, and the founder and vakif of Fund "Bošnjaci".
Participation was taken in the co-financing of seminars for professors of religious studies from the area of the Mufti of Sarajevo, as well as in the manifestation "Days of Allah's Messenger" "Selam, Ya Resulallah" and “Bajram came, the courtyard is in perfume” in the organization of MIC of Sarajevo.
Through the presentation of the project and Fund "Bošnjaci" participation was taken in the 5th International Investment Conference “Sarajevo Business Forum 2015.”
Awarding of cash prizes and awards to students of generation of GHB Madrasa in Sarajevo.In school / academic 2016/17 year 202 scholarships were awarded, out of which 95 scholarships for pupils and students for which funds are provided by Fund ''Bošnjaci'', 65 scholarships to students for whom funds are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait, 20 scholarships to high school students, children of miners killed in Soma, Republic of Turkey for which funds are provided by the Cabinet of Mr. Bakir Izetbegović, through donors and 22 scholarships for the students for whom funds are provided by the Waqf’s Directorate from the funds of the Waqf of the late Nurko Hadžić.
Two scholarships were awarded to students of the generation of Gazi Husrev-Bay's Madrasa and the First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo.
The most basic teaching aid and equipment is awarded for the needs of 152 returnee’s pupils, in the area of municipality Prijedor in the returnee’s settlements of Hambrarina, Rizvanovići, Čarakovo and Zecovi.
Awarding of cash prizes and awards to students of generation of GHB Madrasa in Sarajevo.The competition for the best literary work on the topic ''Under the family’s roof is warmer to the soul’’ was organized for pupils of secondary schools and students from BiH and diaspora, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Waqf of Fund "Bošnjaci" the collection of the Fund’s Awarded Literary Works in the period 2007-2015 titled “Swallows will return” was prepared, printed and announced on the Fund’s website.
In cooperation with the Association "Young Muslims" and Museum "Alija Izetbegović", a Student Conference was organized in Sarajevo and Mostar under the title “Bosnia, above all” about the late Alija Izetbegović that was attended by 6 scholarship holders of the Fund.
Monetary awards and recognitions for 30 new hafizes of the Holy Qur'an, as well as cash awards and recognitions were provided to the winners of the 19th final Maktab competition, then to the winners of the 5th final competition of primary and secondary school pupils from Islamic religious education at the level of BiH.
Participation was taken in the co-financing of the manifestation "Days of Allah's Messenger" "Selam, Ya Resulallah" and “Bajram came, the courtyard is in perfume” in the organization of MIC of Sarajevo.
The Student Conference on Alija Izetbegović''Bosnia, above all''.Fund "Bošnjaci" took part in the seventh international investment conference Sarajevo Business Forum 2016 through the presentation of the project entitled “Assistance in Education, Science and Youth Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.
In order to continue the cooperation between Fund "Bošnjaci" and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkey, the delegation of the Ministry of the Republic of Turkey visited Fund "Bošnjaci", the Federation and Cantonal Ministries of Education, and several schools for children with disabilities to provide assistance in the form of education of teaching staff, provision of aids and equipment for the needs of students of these schools.
For the purpose of additional education of our scholarship holders, appropriate lectures were organized during the visit of the memorial on the Tuzla Gate and the Memorial Center "Srebrenica-Potočari".
In school / academic 2017/18 year 196 scholarships were awarded, out of which 91 scholarships for pupils and students for which funds are provided by Fund "Bošnjaci", 65 scholarships for students for which funds are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait, 20 scholarships to high school students, children of miners who died in Soma, Republic Turkey for which funds are provided by the Cabinet of Mr. Bakir Izetbegović, through donors and 20 scholarships to students for which the funds are provided by the Waqf’s Directorate from the funds from the Waqf of the late Nurko Hadžić. The scholarship project of 20 high school students, children of miners who died in Soma, the Republic of Turkey, has been successfully completed.
The ceremony of signing of scholarship Agreement in the amphitheater of Gazi Husrev-Bey's Madrasa in Sarajevo 2017.In the area of municipalities Teslić and Doboj in the returnees’ settlements Kamenica and Makljenovac, the most basic teaching aids and equipment were provided for the needs of 217 of returnees’ pupils. In cooperation with the representatives of MIC Bugojno and a teacher on religious studies in the elementary school "Fra Miroslav Džaja", laptops were provided to 14 returnees’ pupils by the Foundation for Media Support Lux veritatis/Light of Truth from Sarajevo.
For the purpose of additional education, mutual acquaintance, exchange of ideas, experiences, development of solidarity, friendship and other in Bahram-Bay's Madrasa in Tuzla and Student's Hotel in Mostar, educational fairs ware organized for the Fund scholarship holders with lectures of eminent experts from various fields. Over 140 scholarship holders of the Fund from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the multi-day educational gatherings, while a number of scholarship holders of RIC in BiH joined to the Fund's scholars’ gathering in Mostar.
The gathering of scholarship holders of Fund ‘‘Bošnjaci’’ in Bahram-Bay's Madrasa in Tuzla.In accordance with the Plan of Work of the Fund, the Bošnjaci have been engaged in activities related to additional recruitment, donations and sponsorship.
In cooperation with the Association "Young Muslims" and Museum "Alija Izetbegović", a Student Conference was organized in Konjic under the title “Bosnia, above all” about the late Alija Izetbegović that was attended by 6 scholarship holders of the Fund.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' was recorded a documentary about the Fund which by the picture and act demonstrated the Fund’s successful long-standing work. The film was promoted at the ceremony of signing scholarship contracts at the Gazi Husrev-Bay’s Library in front of more than 350 attendees, scholars, their parents, media and friends of the Fund.
Money prizes and recognitions were awarded to students of the generation of Gazi Husrev-Bay's Madrasa and the First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo.
Money prizes and recognitions award to students of the First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo.A competition for the best literary work was organized on the topic: “People without a state are as a family without roof.”
Money prizes and rewards were awarded to the winners of the 20th final Maktab competition and the winners of the 6th final competition of primary and secondary school pupils from Islamic religious education at the level of BiH.
Participation was taken in the co-financing of the manifestation "Days of Allah's Messenger" "Selam, Ya Resulallah" in the organization of MIC of Sarajevo. Money prizes and rewards were provided for 28 new hafizes.
In cooperation with the Waqf’s Directorate of Sarajevo, Iftars were organized for 130 members of returnee’s Jamat in Kijevo and Gornji Kotorac.
In school / academic 2018/19 year 135 scholarships were awarded, out of which 70 scholarships for which funds are provided by Fund "Bošnjaci" and 65 scholarships for which funds are provided by Bejtuzzekat from Kuwait. From the total number of scholarships awarded, 16 students received an average grade of 10.00.
Consultation regarding the investment of a part of the financial means of Fund ''Bošnjaci''.A special attention during 2018 was placed on finding the most optimal solution for investing part of the Fund's financial means in order to protect and preserve the active (real) value of the basic Waqf. On this occasion, consultations were organized with a number of successful businessmen, experts in the field of energy, trade of shares, real estate, etc.
The Waqf’s Directorate of IC in BiH donated the most needed teaching aids and equipment that are provided for the needs of 140 returnees’ pupils of primary schools "1. Mart'' Jelah (Vrbanjci teaching instructions) and Petar Kočić in the municipality Kotor Varoš.
Several-days educational gathering for scholarship holders is organized this year through a project entitled: “Education and Socialization of Fund "Bošnjaci" scholarship holders” (EDS 2018 - TRAVNIK) in Elchi Ibrahim Pasha Madrasa in Travnik. Three-day gathering was attended by over eighty scholars from almost all public universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina and a number of secondary schools. During the gathering, scholars visited some of the most important natural and cultural-historical sites in Travnik and Jajce.
For the twelve year in a row for pupils of secondary schools and students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and diaspora is organized a contest for the best literary work and this year’s topic is: “Every nation has its promised land.”
The Student Conference on the late Alija Izetbegović in Novi Pazar.On the occasion of 15 years since the late Alija Izetbegović passed away, on October 21, 2018 in the premises of the Bosniak National Council in Novi Pazar was held the Fourth Student Conference on the life and work of the First President of the Independent Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the founder and benefactor of Fund ''Bošnjaci'', Alija Izetbegović and promotion of the Chronicle of Student Works titled "Bosnia Above All". Promotion of the Chronicle of Student Works was also organized in the grand hall of the University of Sarajevo’s Rectorate.
At the ceremonies organized on the occasion of completing the education of the 468th generation of male graduates and the 36th generation of female graduates of the Gazi Husrev-Bay’s Madrasa, as well as the 20th generation of the First Bosniak Gymnasium and the 11th generation of the graduates of Cambridge International School, were awarded prizes and recognitions to pupils and students of the generation of these two prestigious schools.
Participation was taken in co-financing of the departure of the First Bosniak Gymnasium students to the World Geographic Olympiad in Canada, as well as the participation in the co-financing of students from the Islamic Religious School in the area of the Mufti of Banja Luka.
In the school / academic year 2019/20 62 scholarships were awarded, of which 47 to students and 15 to pupils. Out of the total number of awarded scholarships, 12 students have an average grade of 10.00.
Ceremony of signing the Scholarship Agreement in the Gazi Husrev-Begova Library in Sarajevo in 2019As in previous years, special emphasis was placed on the continuation of activities related to finding the most optimal solution for investing part of the Fund's financial resources in order to ensure higher profits, protection and preservation of the real value of the basic Waqf. In this regard, business premises in area of 321 m2 with 66 m2 of basement space were purchased in Skenderija in Valtera Perića Street No. 22. in the value of 810,000.00 BAM, which in the long run will protect the basic Waqf and achieve higher profits of the Fund.
For the needs of the elementary school "Dositej Obradović" Doboj, which is attended by 604 students, of which 346 are Bosniaks, and the elementary school "Milan Rakić", the regional department "Kotorsko", which is attended by 136 students, of which 120 are Bosniaks and 35 Mekteb students are provided with the most necessary teaching aids and equipment such as: piano, microscopes, overhead projectors, school desks and chairs, school boards and bulletin boards, teacher's chairs, cabinets, showcases, shoe racks, easels, a large number of readings for the needs school libraries, geometric sets, various types of notebooks and pencils, drawing maps with a block, diaries, sets of clothes and shoes, tracksuits and more
Allocation of teaching aids and equipment to returnee students in Kotorsko and Doboj
In the Student Center of the IC in Sarajevo, a multi-day educational gathering of scholarship holders was organized through a project called: "Education and fellowship of scholarship holders of Fund "Bošnjaci" and the Riyaset of the IC in BiH (EDS 2019 - SARAJEVO)". The multi-day gathering was attended by more than sixty scholarship holders from almost all public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a number of high schools. During the gathering, the scholarship holders visited some of the most important cultural and historical sights of our capital and its surroundings. A competition for the best literary work on the topic: ''I snaga i slabost su u srcima'' (Engl. ''Both strength and weakness are in the hearts.'') was organized for high school students and students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Diaspora, in which 160 students took part
Visit of the Fund's scholarship holders to the Museum of the Heroes of the Liberation War
At the ceremonies organized on the occasion of the end of schooling of the 469th generation of male graduates and the 37th generation of female graduates from Gazi Husrev-beg Madrasa as well as the 21st generation of high school graduates of the First Bosniak Gymnasium and the 12th generation of high school graduates of Cambridge International School cash prizes and recognitions were awarded to the students of the generation of these two prestigious schools.
Ceremony on the occasion of awarding cash prizes and recognitions to the winners of the final Mekteb competitionIn order to stimulate and achieve better results for primary and secondary school students, as well as Mekteb students, cash prizes and awards were given to the team winners of the VIII final competition in Islamic religious education, and the winners of the XXII final Mekteb competition organized by Riyaset of IC in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Participation was taken in the 10th investment conference "Sarajevo Business Forum 2019".
Director and members of the Managing Board of Fund "Bošnjaci"
In recent years, Fund "Bošnjaci" has implemented a number of other activities in accordance with the normative - legal acts of the Fund in order to fulfill the wishes and expectations of the founders and Vakif r. Alija Izetbegović.