
Removing of an obstacle from the path that may disrupt the passage is the act of pleasing to God and provides a permanent award. Being able to remove the obstacles that stood on the life paths of young people in particular is a great pleasure and privilege, and operating it without any hidden interest is undoubtedly a blessing, which is not offered to everybody. Such a blessing is given to Fund "Bošnjaci", which, thanks to the wisdom and generosity of its vakifs, solves the problems of young people by financing their education and thus helping them to cross the most important obstacle in the way of realization of their dreams.
Given that the cash waqf is extremely sensitive, special responsibility is given to its management structure which is required to be administered conscientiously and responsibly in accordance with the endowment, to preserve and improve it. In work of Fund "Bošnjaci" remained an obligation, which connects it with all vakifs from the beginning till today, and it is executing of the vakif’s will, as strict liability. Bosniacs always cared for a special sense of responsibility for the waqf property, which is looked after and improved more than own, and its funds were directed towards those whom it was intended from the beginning. There are still living stories among people about respecting and preserving of waqf’s property. People talk that while some people were crossing the Waqf land they removed their shoes and crossed over it by bare feet in respect for the goodness, but also from fear that piece of soil can stuck in shoes and so brought out of Waqf, which is considered as a great sin. The new times arrived and new ways of organizing of the Waqf, but this tradition of preserving of Waqf property should not be changed because the function of the new Waqf has remained the same as those before – service of property for the benefit of the community, which will provide a nice memorial of a vakif in this world and Akhirah.
One of the priorities of Fund "Bošnjaci" is to increase the money of the waqf through investments, new reimbursement, donations and sponsorship in order to realize and improve the Fund's activities. The list of vakifs, donors and sponsors is unlimited and everyone has the opportunity to join this caravan of good on the road to the ultimate goal, achieving God's proximity and His satisfaction.
In accordance with the Vakufnama, the Statute and other normative-legal acts, financial, personnel and other possibilities, Fund "Bošnjaci" plans to implement a number of projects in the field of its activities, such as:
- investing part of the financial means in the implementation of certain projects with the aim of preserving and increasing the waqf;
- animating new vakifs (benefactors), donors and sponsors who want to through Fund ''Bošnjaci'' scholarships to particularly gifted students with weaker material status;
- increasing the number of scholarships for students and students in the first cycle of studies;
- provision of financial resources for scholarships for students to master and doctoral studies;
- support the sustainable return of Bosniacs in the smaller BH entity through assistance in education, science and culture;
- organization of several-day educational fellowships;
- organization of scholarship visits to a number of the most important cultural and historical sites in BiH;
- organization of student conferences and scientific meetings;
- organization of the meeting of the previous scholarship holders;
- support to other projects in the field of education, science and culture, as well as programs that contribute to the educational, spiritual and material strengthening of Bosniacs.
Preservation and promotion of the waqf’s property is not the sole responsibility of the management structures of Fund "Bošnjaci". However, in realization of its goals and tasks can be included all people who want and can help. The amount of assistance is not important, but it is an important side that we classify to by that gesture. As a drop of water cannot extinguish the fire, nor Fund ''Bošnjaci'' by its activities will not solve all problems of pupils’ and students’ population, but it will at least restore lost confidence in people.