To mark the thirteenth anniversary of death of the first President of independent Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and founder/benefactors of Fund '' Bošnjaci '', Alija Izetbegović, on October 22, 2016, in the great hall of Gazi Husrev-bey's Library, starting at 11:00 am was held the Student Conference “Bosnia above all”. Organizers of the Conference were Fund ''Bošnjaci'', Association of “Mladi muslimani” (Engl. ''Young Muslims”) and Museum ''Alija Izetbegović 1925-2003''. In addition to large number of guests and students the conference was attended by distinguished members of family Izetbegović, as well as the Chairman of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Bakir Izetbegović.

Nine students took part at the Conference out of which six are scholarship recipients of Fund ''Bošnjaci''. Students had about a month to study the works of Alija Izetbegović and finalize and write their papers, and the mentorship of their papers was given to Prof. Admir Mulaosmanović.

At the outset of the Conference, participants were addressed by Edhem Bakšić - President of Association of “Mladi muslimani” (Engl. ''Young Muslims”), Šahin Kerla - Director of Fund ''Bošnjaci'' Adnan Žiško - Director of Museum ''Alija Izetbegović 1925-2003''. This was followed by exposure of students papers divided into three panels.

In the first panel speakers were: Adna Mešanović, the second year student of International University of Sarajevo, on the topic of Education and professional life of Alija Izetbegović; Armin Džunuzović, the fifth year student at Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, on the topic of Alija Izetbegović and Young Muslims’ movement and Dino Proha, the fifth year student of Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, on the topic of Alija Izetbegović – the leader and president.

In the second panel speakers were: Alma Kubura, the second year student of Faculty of Islamic Studies in Sarajevo, on the topic of Izetbegović’s relationship with the international community; Merjem Mekić, the third year student of Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, on the topic of Alija's vision of the United States of America and Aziz Skopljak, the second year student of Faculty of Islamic Studies, on the topic of Relationship between Alija Izetbegović towards the Ulema and Islamic community.

In the third panel speakers were: Aida Sadiković Mehonić, the graduate student of Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, on the topic of The prison’ days of Alija Izetbegović - time of productivity; Fatima Camić, the second year student of Faculty of Islamic Studies, on the topic of The basic ideas of the Islamic Declaration and Merjem Brković, the third year student of International University of Sarajevo, on the topic of Political vision of Alija Izetbegović.

It is an honor, on behalf of Fund ''Bošnjaci'', to proclaim this Conference extremely successful, as evidenced by a huge applause which students received from the audience after their presentations. Students approached to their topics and the Conference in general tremendously serious, on very competent and professional way, and tried to analytically and critically handle given topics from the life and work of Alija Izetbegović and thus to contribute to expansion of the mission and vision of the late President, and that included: leadership, justice, experience, knowledge and other. Students by their papers and presentations justified the expectations of the attendants and has shown and proved that in their lives is truly '' Bosnia above all ''.

After the Conference will begin the processing of papers and editing of a collection made up of nine presented papers, which should be available to the public in early 2017.

Once again, we thank and warmly congratulate to the students at successful Conference!