In Jama'at Briješće brdo (Majlis of the Islamic Community in Sarajevo), on Saturday March 15, 2014, after the noon prayer was organized hafiz du’a for one of the youngest huffaz in Bosnia and Herzegovina sixteen Suhejbu Ćesović of father Samir and mother Samira.

A large number of huffaz, worshipers, friends and relatives of the young hafiz were addressed by mr. Ferid ef Dautović chief imam of Majlis of the Islamic Community in Sarajevo, stressing the importance and value of learning Hifzi with congratulations to Hafiz, his parents and muhafizz hfz. Ammar Bašić.

By especially meaningful and inspiring speech the audience was addressed by envoy of reis-ul-ulema of Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina mr. hfz. Mansur ef Malkić and he handed the diploma and financial gift to the new Hafiz on behalf of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The ceremony was attended by Director of Fund "Bošnjaci" Šahin Kerla who on behalf of the Fund handed recognition and financial gift to young Hafiz. Please note that this is the hundredth Hafiz to whom Fund ''Bošnjaci'' awarded recognition and financial gift.