Promotion ceremony BA and MA graduates of faculties and academies of University in Sarajevo in the academic 2010/11 was held on Saturday October 22, 2011, in the Olympic Hall ''Juan Antonio Samaranch'' in Sarajevo.

At this ceremony, which is organized for the seventh time by the University of Sarajevo, prof. Dr. Faruk Čaklovica, Rector of University of Sarajevo, Rectors of Sarajevo University and Deans of Faculties and Academies promoted 6.138 graduates BA and MA graduates of faculties and academies of University in Sarajevo. During ceremony the most successful BA and MA graduates were awarded by the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo and appropriate cash prizes secured by the Sarajevo Canton.


The fund „Bošnjaci“ scholarship recipients are the best students of first cycle studies, also this year. They are the winners of the Golden Badge and holders of the title of the most successful at the University of Sarajevo in the academic year 2010/11. Congratulations to our best and most successful scholarship recipients:

1. Salem (Fajiz) Malikić, student of III year of Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Department of Mathematics, with an overall average of 10.00

2. Admir (Sulejman) Greljo, students of IV year of Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Department of Physics, with an overall average of 10.00

3. Hani (Huse) Fatkić, student of III year of Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, Department of Computing and Information Technology with an overall average grade of 9.97.

Malikić Salem Fatkić Hana Admir Greljo,
Salem Malikić, student of III year of Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo Hana Fatkić, student of III year of Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo Admir Greljo, students of IV year of Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo

After giving awards on behalf of the most successful graduates of the University of Sarajevo, addressed the participants Salem Malikić saying:

Distinguished rectors, vice rectors and deans, distinguished professors, representatives of the state institutions, dear parents and family members, friends, colleagues, students, it is an honor and pleasure to address you on behalf of this year's generation of graduates of the University of Sarajevo.
Today we get recognition for the effort and work during the previous year. Thus we are honored, but also given a commitment to be the bearers of progress of Bosnian society. This is also a big step towards the realization of our dreams, but also a great motivation for the further advancement and specialization.
By gained knowledge and experience we have built our personality, and become aware of our role in this society, because, really, the best among us are those that most benefit to the people, and the best science is that which enables a man to be beneficial to his people.

Some of us will be employed in their profession, while others will continue on the path of science. Whatsoever way to proceed, we must be guided by the ideal of a better future for this country.
I would like to thank and commend the work of all those involved in the activities of our university: Dear rector, vice-rectors, deans, distinguished professors and other academic staff of our college.
Also, we thank to our parents and family members as well as to those who have provided immeasurable support during the study.
Thanks to all of you who have graced with their presence this celebration!
Finally, from this place on behalf of all the students I declare that we will build together a better future for our Bosnia and Herzegovina.