Competition for the best literary work

Based on the Work Plan and the Decision of the Board of Directors, Fund ''Bošnjaci'' is announcing a competition for the best literary work on the topic: ''Ostani uspravan, kako ćeš pognute glave ispod zvijezda''. /Engl. "Stay upright, how will you with bowed head under the stars"/ (Alija Izetbegović).
- High school students and students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Diaspora may participate at the competition.
- Authors of literary expression: poetry, prose and others, may equally participate at the competition.
- The papers should not exceed 7 pages (1 page = 1,800 characters).
The deadline for submission of papers is October 03, 2023, up to 3:00 p.m.
Papers should be submitted exclusively via e-mail: with note:
For the competition: ''Ostani uspravan, kako ćeš pognute glave ispod zvijezda''. /Engl. "Stay upright, how will you with bowed head under the stars"/ (Alija Izetbegović).
The personal data of the author will be temporarily removed from the received works, after which they will be submitted, under a code, to the competent Commission for evaluation.
Results of the competition will be published on Fund” Bošnjaci“ website and Facebook page immediately after the end of the Commission's work.
- The first prize is: 500,00 BAM
- The second prize is: 400,00 BAM
- The third prize is: 300,00 BAM
Awards and recognitions will be presented at the Student Conference on Alija Izetbegović "Bosnia First", which will be held on October 12, 2023, in the Gazi Husrev Beg Library in Sarajevo.
The awarded works will be published on the Fund ”Bošnjaci “website and Facebook page.
- The submitted papers are not subject to return, and Fund ”Bošnjaci“ reserves the right to their partial or complete use with the obligation to indicate the name of the author.
- With the delivery of the works, it is mandatory to state:
- Name and headquarters of the school or faculty, class or year of study
- Contact phone number and residential address
Šahin Kerla, Director