Awarded monetary prizes and awards to the GHB Madrasa pupils od the generation in Sarajevo

A Ceremonial Academy was held on the occasion of the end of schooling of the 474th male generation of high school graduates and the 42nd female generation of high school graduates of Gazi Husrev Bey's Madrasa in Sarajevo on Saturday, May 11, 2024. This year, 112 pupils completed their education at Gazi Husrev Bey's Madrasa, of which 48 were male high school graduates and 64 were female high school graduates.
The formal academy, filled with a rich religious program, was attended by distinguished officials of the Islamic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, numerous guests, families and friends of the graduates. Prof. dr. Nedžad Grabus, in the capacity of envoy of Reisu-l-ulema and Director of the GHB Madrasa, M.Sc. Dževad Pleh.
Hfz. Adnan Bratanović and Halima Išerić were declared the pupils of the generation of Gazi Husrev Bey's Madrasa, to whom Šahin Kerla, Director of Fund ''Bošnjaci'', presented awards and cash prizes in the amount of 1,000.00 BAM each.