15 years of Alija Izetbegović's Waqf

15 years of Alija Izetbegović's Waqf

On April 16, 2016, it will be fifteen years from endowment of Fund "''Bošnjaci'' which is, by transferring the founding rights in favor of the Waqf Direction, endowed by Alija Izetbegović, the First President of the independent Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the basic act of the Fund (Vakufnama) are stated intentions of founders to ensure permanent care to education of young people in our country, as this Fund is carefully doing for fifteen years.
So far more than 10,000 scholarships are awarded to particularly talented and socially disadvantaged students which is more than 1,750 fellows who are now at the service of their families and society.
In addition to scholarships Fond ''Bošnjaci'' realizes also other projects which stimulate and encourage development of education, science and culture like: help in teaching aids and equipment to students returnees in smaller B&H entity, financial assistance and support to scholarship holders of the Fund during presentation of scientific papers at international conferences, organization of educational seminars for the Fund’s scholarship holders, organization of literary contests for students and pupils from B&H and Diaspora, encouragement and support to Hifzi reciters, then encouragement and support to pupils and students of primary and secondary schools for competitions in Islamic science and Maktab instructions, organizing of visits of the scholarship holders to a number of the most important cultural and historical sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other.

What makes the Fond become recognizable is transparency and professionalism in work with particular pronounced responsibility to the Cash Waqf. How and in what way the management structure relates to the Cash Waqf is underlined by the fact that the Waqf, or endowed funds in the amount of 5,000,000.00 KM, are fully preserved and increased more than 100%. Most of the profit made in the past fifteen years is invested in education of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the future Fund ''Bošnjaci'', among other things, plans to launch additional activities related to the Fund’s sustainability, primarily through additional financial endowment. We hope that our former scholarship holders who have completed their education and become employed, sympathizers, friends and other well-established and respected Bosniaks will join to our noble mission. The endowed funds as well as the existing Waqf will be permanently preserved, according to the requirements of the Waqf's rules, and profit from endowed funds will be used for realization of the basic goals and tasks of Fund ''Bošnjaci''.

Given the fact that the Waqf is permanent good, and aware of that every person by endowment of portion of his/her possessions in addition to this World has Ākhirah's award, we invite all interested parties to waqf a part of their wealth in Fund "Bošnjaci", which will be the best way to contribute to education of young. Investment in education and science is a long process but certainly the most profitable investment that will give the best results and ensure rapid progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina.