The most successful scholars of Fund "Bošnjaci"
Academic year 2020/2021

Tarik Čorbo
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Sarajevo, declared the most successful student of the first cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo and winner of the Golden Badge

Nejra Memedi
Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Rijad Subašić
Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Dženana Brčaninović
Faculty of Law in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Tarik Bašić
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Velida Smajlović Aletić
Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Amina Makić
Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Melita Čoralić
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Sedina Hodžić
Faculty of Technology in Tuzla, winner of the Student Generation Award of the Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla

Adna Softić
Faculty of Science in Sarajevo, winner of the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Vahidin Hasic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, winner of the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Dženeta Kudumović
Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, winner of the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo

Elmin Marevac
Faculty of Polytechnic in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Polytechnic Faculty of the University of Zenica

Edin Kohnić
Faculty of Polytechnic in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Polytechnic Faculty of the University of Zenica

Faris Alagić
Faculty of Law in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Zenica

Emir Softić
Faculty of Medicine in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zenica

Bakir Kudić
Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo, winner of the Pride of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo

Adisa Čengić
Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo, winner of the Pride of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo

Amela Balić
Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Bihać, winner of the Plaque for the student with the best grade point average in the Department of Social Pedagogy and Spiritual Care
- "Tarik Čorbo","Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Sarajevo, declared the most successful student of the first cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo and winner of the Golden Badge",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/1_tarik_corbo.jpg
- "Nejra Memedi","Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/2_nejra_memedi.jpg
- "Rijad Subašić","Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo ",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/3_rijad_subasic.jpg
- "Dženana Brčaninović","Faculty of Law in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo ",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/4_dzenana_brcaninovic.jpg
- "Tarik Bašić","Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo ",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/5_tarik_basic.jpg
- "Velida Smajlović Aletić","Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo ",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/6_velida_smajlovic_aletic.jpg
- "Amina Makić","Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo ",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/7_amina_makic.jpg
- "Melita Čoralić","Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Sarajevo, winner of the Golden Badge of the University of Sarajevo",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/8_melita_coralic.jpg
- "Sedina Hodžić","Faculty of Technology in Tuzla, winner of the Student Generation Award of the Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/9_sedina_hodzic.jpg
- "Adna Softić","Faculty of Science in Sarajevo, winner of the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/17_adna_softic.jpg
- "Vahidin Hasic","Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, winner of the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/10_vahidin_hasic.jpg
- "Dženeta Kudumović","Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, winner of the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo ",fb_2021_2022/14_dzeneta_kudumovic_studentica_i_g_ii_ciklusa_studija_etf-a_u_sarajevu_racunarstvo_i_inf.jpg
- "Elmin Marevac","Faculty of Polytechnic in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Polytechnic Faculty of the University of Zenica ",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/11_elmin_marevac.jpg
- "Edin Kohnić","Faculty of Polytechnic in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Polytechnic Faculty of the University of Zenica",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/12_edin_kohnic.jpg
- "Faris Alagić","Faculty of Law in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Zenica",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/13_faris_alagic.jpg
- "Emir Softić","Faculty of Medicine in Zenica, winner of the Charter of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zenica ",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/14_emir_softic.jpg
- "Bakir Kudić","Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo, winner of the Pride of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/15_bakir_kudic.jpg
- "Adisa Čengić","Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo, winner of the Pride of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo",/fb_2021_2022/32_adisa_cengic_studentica_iii_g_medicinskog_fakulteta_u_.jpg
- "Amela Balić","Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Bihać, winner of the Plaque for the student with the best grade point average in the Department of Social Pedagogy and Spiritual Care",nauspjesniji_studenti_fonda_2020_2021/16_amela_balic.jpg