The most successful scholars of Fund "Bošnjaci"
Academic year 2014/2015
Mirza Pašić, student of the first year of Master studies in Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Graduated from high school in Sarajevo in academic year 2011/12 with an average score of 5.00. In academic year 2012/13 he entered Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo. Undergraduate ended with an average score of 10.00. In the academic year 2014/15 were named for the best student of the first cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo and the winner of the "Golden Badge". Scholarship holder of Fund “Bošnjaci“ in the academic year 2013/14 and 2014/15.

Mirza Pašić
student of the first year of Master studies in Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
- "Mirza Pašić","student of the first year of Master studies in Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management",/10/mirza-pasic-gold.jpg